Cat inspired bot serves Italian dishes at Whinfell Forest

Plates of pizza and pasta on a table

Monday 11th July 2022

Cat inspired bot serves Italian dishes at Whinfell Forest

Faster service, happier staff and excited guests – all due to the new Bella Bots, exclusive to Bella Italia, Whinfell Forest. Have Italian dishes served to you by cat-inspired bots but, don’t worry, if you still enjoy human interaction our friendly servers will be close by.

We caught up with Piotr Latusek, Assistant Manager at Bella Italia, to see how the Bella Bots have settled in.

Hello Piotr, thanks for catching up with me. It must be an exciting time for Bella Italia?

It’s a really fun time for us. We have been trialling the bots for a few weeks, but we knew from day one that they are what we were missing. The team enjoy working with the bots and they have been a real hit with the guests – the children love them!


How have they helped you and the team during service?

The bots can carry up to eight plates, whereas we can only carry a maximum of four. This has resulted in a quicker service for our guests but also the team can spend longer interacting with the families and provide a better experience.


Are there any plans to increase your bot team?

We currently have two Bella Bots and there are no plans to increase the bot team. It’s also important to note that these bots have not replaced any team members. We are still actively recruiting.


So, how do the bots know where they are going?

The bots have mapped the whole restaurant. Once a team member loads the food onto the bots, they type the table number in and off they go! They have special sensors on them which means they can see any obstructions ahead, such as highchairs or guests walking by, and they will re-route. They also have an avoidance feature which means they will never get in each other’s way.


The reaction from guests so far has been amazing, especially the children, what makes them such a big hit?

The Bella Bots have cat-like features, making them look very friendly. They like to interact with the guests, especially getting their ears tickled. If there is a birthday, we will use the bot to bring out a special treat and the bots will sing happy birthday!


If you are visiting Whinfell Forest soon, why not book a laid-back lunch or delicious dinner at Bella Italia and see our Bella Bots in action? Don’t forget to share any photos or videos with us on social using the #mycp!

Center Parcs

This blog post was written by a former colleague of Center Parcs; the content in the post is still relevant for you to keep up to date with all things Center Parcs.

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